Join/Renew Now, Before Dues Increase
If you have already renewed or joined the Northern Lights Snowmobile Club, thank you! If not, please note that our annual membership dues increase from $35 to $40, effective December 1, 2024. Membership dues support the trails you ride and allow you to get your annual...
2024 NLSC Christmas Party at SpiritView Lakeside
The NLSC Christmas Party is at 5:00 PM, December 7th, 2024at SpiritView Lakeside. Please RSVP to president@northernlightsclub.com. Please bring a dish to pass: an appetizer, salad, side dish or a dessert. We are also looking for donations of gift baskets or money. If...
NLSC Overnight Ride Extravaganza!!
Please plan on joining the NLSC Overnight Ride Extravaganza!! If you’ve never done one of these trips before you will find four days of adventure, fun and great comradery!! Several groups will be departing Three Lakes the morning of Monday, February 3rd for Lake of...